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Hervey Bay Ocean Festival
Have you travelled half-way around the world at great expense to tick an amazing experience off our bucket list? Sometimes, that mind-blowing bucket list...
10 things to do in Hervey Bay for kids
Hervey Bay has a reputation for being a sleepy retirement zone with not much to offer anyone slightly younger, more active or adventurous aside...
The Ultimate Guide to Whale Watching in Hervey Bay
During their annual migration of up to 10,000 km, humpback whales attract thousands of visitors to towns along Australia’s east coast. You can see...
Pacific Whale Foundation Whale Watch in Hervey Bay
Of all the things to do in Hervey Bay, the whale watching capital of the world, seeing the humpback whales in their natural habitat...
15 Things To Do In Byron Bay
Byron Bay is a scenic and beautiful destination with exciting attractions. There are so many things to do in Byron Bay and a lot...
Kingfisher Bay Resort, Fraser Island
I am on a sand island. The biggest sand island in the world, to be exact. If this brings the image of a desert...