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Reviews, photos and tips on the world’s top airlines, from long-haul Business Class flights to domestic budget airlines. Read reviews of Cathay Pacific Business Class and find out the top 10 Business Class airlines. We also cover Economy flights and budget airlines such as Scoot Airlines and Air Asia. Here are a few intriguing facts about air travel.

When did people start to fly on planes?

The first flight in the world happened on 17 December 1903, Orville and Wilbur Wright flew 120 feet in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It took 12 seconds. This was a momentous moment and the first powered flight. Before this event, mankind had only flown in balloons and gliders.

When was the first commercial airline flight?

The first commercial flight took off on 1 January 1914. You might be surprised to learn that the St. Petersburg-Tampa Airboat Line was the world’s first passenger airline service. The airline operated between St. Petersburg and Tampa in Florida.

What are the oldest airlines in the world that are still operating?

KLM, Qantas, Delta, Avianca and Egypt Air are five of the world’s oldest airlines still operating.

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