
In the 11th century, Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka replaced Anuradhapura as the capital of what we call Sri Lanka. The city was the stronghold of three major kings and the capital reached the height of its influence in the 12th century. But unfortunately, Polonnaruwa's heyday was a short one. Wandering through...
the grampians 3
If you love Australia and love the natural world and if you appreciate outdoor adventures then you’ll like the Grampians in Victoria. During this trip, we discovered many wonderful things to do in Grampians and places to see and photograph. Like many other places in Australia, there’s much hiking to do in...
cradle mountain Tasmania walks
The Cradle Coast region is spread across Tasmania's West Coast and North West Tasmania. It covers one-third of Tasmania and has some of the state's most remote and pristine wilderness, such as the Tarkine, Narawntapu National Park and the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The jewel in the crown...
paul zizka
Award-winning photographer Paul Zizka’s bio is nothing short of impressive! Paul specializes in photographing hard-to-reach places in difficult conditions. His photos have been featured in top publications like Maclean’s, IMPACT, Alpinist, Huffington Post, The Guardian, Canadian Geographic, Islands, PhotoLife,, explore magazine and he is the Photo Editor...
canadian rocky mountains
In November 2014 Katie Goldie @goldiehawn_ had 5000 Instagram followers. One year later she has 100,000 followers and growing! An active mountain gal who loves hiking, skiing and boating Katie lives on acreage outside Lethbridge, Alberta and her playground is the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Mention the Rockies and most...
Canada’s community of photographers are passionate about their country. Just do a search for #explorecanada on Instagram and you'll find a kaleidoscope of imagery, from the impressive Rocky Mountains to the sophisticated cities and colourful fishing villages of Atlantic Canada.  You’ll instantly know what season it is in Canada, from...

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Wales is filled with unexpected beauty. Although it may not be a stereotypical holiday destination, Wales has a reputation for adventure, wild landscapes and...