Travel Tips

woman photographing flowers with minimalist backpack on her back
In a world of complexity and clutter, minimalism has emerged as a transformative lifestyle choice. The "minimalist" approach focuses on simplicity, functionality and purpose. The minimalist lifestyle has seen the rise of popularity in minimalist items for the home, such as home decor, furniture design and kitchenware. It has...
Japanese Onsen Tips
One of the best Japanese experiences is to visit a Japanese bathhouse but if you're not used to public baths, it's easy to feel very lost in Japan, more than anything because we cannot read kanji. Your first time in a Japanese bath can be tricky but don't be...
car rental in melbourne paperwork
If you're considering renting a car in Melbourne, chances are, you might be planning on exploring the Victoria countryside, or you need a car to get around for business reasons or to visit friends. Whether you're exploring the region on holiday or need temporary transportation for work, here's some...
TripADeal Reviews
With five trips to date both home and away, and another two in the pipeline for 2019, I could well be considered a TripADeal Frequent Flyer. The TripADeal model is changing the way many of us book our holidays. And bargain hunters like me LOVE it! I've paid for all...
travel wifi

Travel WiFi

Free Wi-Fi for travellers is a concept whose time has come. The idea of a hotel charging for Wi-Fi may soon become as quaint, outdated and unacceptable as a restaurant charging for tap water. Even as free Wi-Fi spreads, pockets of stubborn resistance hold out. Some hotels and airports continue...
travel laundry bag
A travel laundry bag can help keep your clothes organised, clean and fresh while on the go. Packing a travel laundry bag can be useful, especially if you're on the road for a long time or visiting multiple destinations. A travel laundry bag is what many organised travellers use...

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20 Fairytale Castles In Wales

Wales is filled with unexpected beauty. Although it may not be a stereotypical holiday destination, Wales has a reputation for adventure, wild landscapes and...