
places to visit in sri lanka
Elephants, beaches, tea plantations and ancient cities: Sri Lanka is a beautiful country with a treasure trove of UNESCO World Heritage attractions. The island nation packs a lot of different landscapes and experiences in a small geographical area, so the best places to visit in Sri Lanka combine nature,...
Carnaval de Santiago de Cuba
One of the fun things to do in Cuba is to take part in Carnaval de Santiago de Cuba. Santiago de Cuba is known as the “hero city” and the birthplace of the Cuban revolution. The Carnaval de Santiago de Cuba takes place during the last week of July....
children of aleppo
There are some places in the world that leave me with a strong impression yet there are others I can barely remember. For me, Aleppo in Syria is one of those places that is crystal clear in my mind. I only visited for a day four years ago yet...
taylor burk photography
Getting a few thousand followers on Instagram is no mean feat. With little photography experience, 24-year-old Taylor Burk managed to attract over 170,000 followers in less than three years. What’s even more amazing is the adventure photographer from Edmonton who loves hiking, skiing and kayaking taught himself how to...
cradle mountain Tasmania walks
The Cradle Coast region is spread across Tasmania's West Coast and North West Tasmania. It covers one-third of Tasmania and has some of the state's most remote and pristine wilderness, such as the Tarkine, Narawntapu National Park and the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. The jewel in the crown...

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20 Fairytale Castles In Wales

Wales is filled with unexpected beauty. Although it may not be a stereotypical holiday destination, Wales has a reputation for adventure, wild landscapes and...